Meki honey with sea buckthorn 220g


Used Estonian honey
Added freeze-dried sea buckthorn powder
Also available in a smaller, 120g jar. Find out here!

The price includes VAT


Ingredients and properties

Meki sea buckthorn flavored honey is produced from Estonian honey. To add flavor and nutrients, sea buckthorn powder has been mixed into it, obtained by freeze-drying on the road, thus preserving the nutritional value of the fruit.

Apart from its great taste, it also has enormous useful properties. It strengthens the immune system and digestion and has an effect against fungi, viruses and bacteria.

Sea buckthorn berries contain large amounts of vitamin C, B1, B2, B6, B15, P, K and E. The freeze-drying process preserves the nutritional value of the berries.
Sea buckthorn stimulates the immune system and stimulates the activity of the hormonal system. General strengthening agent during flu and other colds, after operations and traumas, in asthenic conditions and intoxications.

Check out all MEKI products containing sea buckthorn berries here!