Pine growth powder 30g


30 grammi külmkuivatatud männikasvupulbrit tehti 200 grammist värsketest männivõrsetest
Strong taste and aroma
Külmkuivatamise käigus pole kadunud võrsete toiteväärtus

The price includes VAT
All MEKI products are in resealable packages.
Packages must be sealed airtight after use.

Ingredients and properties

Mek's pine growth powder has a very good combination that stimulates the senses of taste and smell. Freeze drying completely preserves the taste, smell and nutritional value of the shoots.

Like fresh pine growth, Mek's freeze-dried pine growth powder is a natural source of vitamin C, rich in various vitamins and minerals. The powder is primarily used to make tea, but it can also be used to season meat or fish dishes and in various smoothies. Also suitable for adding to bath water, as it has excellent aromatherapeutic properties.

Average nutritional value 100g
Energy 1641kJ/387kcal
Carbohydrates 74.5g
including sugars 0g
Lightning 13.3g
Fats 4g
including saturated fatty acids 0g
Weight 30 kg