Cookie policy

The website uses cookies. On this page you can find out what cookies are and how we use them.

When you visit the website, you will see a message. If you accept this notice, you agree to the use of cookies.
The loading of cookies on the computer can be disabled in the web browser settings. More detailed information on how to control cookies can be found on the website

What are cookies?
Cookies are small text files that are downloaded to your computer or mobile device when you visit a website. Cookies allow, for example, to "remember" your preferences, settings and make using the website more convenient.

Cookies are distinguished according to their use and belonging.

By use:
Session cookies are removed when the user closes the web browser.
Persistent cookies remain on the user's computer or mobile device for a certain period of time.

By affiliation:
The cookies of the first half are loaded on the computer when visiting the website
Third-party cookies are loaded on the website by third parties, for example when watching a video from YouTube.

How do we use cookies?
We use cookies to make visiting the website even more convenient, for example to
remember which messages you have seen and not show them again;
to remember which language you prefer on the website;
to find out how you use the website and how to make it better.
We also use cookies to make visit statistics.

The cookies that are loaded on the computer by the website do not contain your personal data. We do not collect your personal data for statistics.